
Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us at, so we make sure to take very careful effort to protect your data on every interaction level with our website.

This Privacy Policy document explains to you what information we collect, how we use it, and what rights you have regarding the processing of your data.

What Data We Collect does not collect any contact information since we only collect information through cookies, which are sent to Google for analytics purposes, and this may include:

Technical Data: IP address, browser type, browser language, access date and time, and other technical data.

Activity Information: pages viewed, time spent on the site, clicks, and other data regarding your activity on our site.

How We Use Your Data

Your data collected through cookies may be used in the following ways:

To analyze and improve the site: We use the data to better understand how users interact with our site and how we can enhance it.

To personalize content: Based on the collected data, we can tailor the content you see to be more interesting and relevant to you.


Cookies are small text files stored on your device by your web browser. We use cookies for analytical and personalization purposes. You can manage cookies through your browser settings.

Your Rights regarding privacy when interacting with our website

At all times you have the right to access and review your data and to correct your data if you feel your data is incorrect or incomplete.

You can request the deletion of your data if you feel we don't longer need it for purposes it was collected.

You can also restrict data processing in certain situations.

Right to changes to the Privacy Policy

We hereby reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy document at any time. Any changes to the document will be published on this page. To stay updated, please check this Privacy Policy document regularly.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

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