
Plac Izaaka Street Food in Kraków

Plac Izaaka Street Food area is located in the heart of the Old Jewish District Kazimierz in Kraków. This vibrant pedestrian zone offers many street food stalls

Isaac Square Street Food - view at the Wąska Street
Singer Pub in Plac Izaaka in Kraków
Plac Izaaka - view at Plac Nowy and Singer Pub
Kapłony i Szczeżuje Restaurant in Plac Izaaka in Kraków
Plac Izaaka Street Food in Kraków
Kupa Synagogue - view from Isaac's Square
Izaaka Street in Kraków

Plac Izaaka (Isaac Square) Street Food area in Kraków is located right in the heart of the Old Jewish District Kazimierz in the lively and vibrant pedestrian zone offering plethora of street food stalls, cafes and restaurants withing a short walking distance.

In Plac Izaaka there are numerous establishments offering outside seating with colourful umbrellas and also there's a variety of pubs and restaurants offering various cuisine options ranging from traditional Polish cuisine to Jewish and oriental cuisine as well as pizzerias and zapiekankas.

Plac Izaaka is in close proximity to historic synagogues, Kupa and Synagoga Izaaka Jakubowicza, and the famous Szeroka Street where the Jewish Culture Festival is held each year. It's a perfect spot to experience local cuisine and for casual strolls in Kazimierz.

We recommend visiting Plac Izaaka during warmer months for outdoor seating enjoyment.