
Ethnographic Museum in Kraków

Ethnographic Museum in Kraków is one of the most important museums to visit while in Kraków. Located in Plac Wolnica it shows Polish folk culture and traditions

Entrance to the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków in Plac Wolnica
Entrance to the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków in Plac Wolnica
Traditional Polish stove with colorful floral folk art, showcasing vibrant yellow, purple, and green patterns
Traditional textile printing tools and fabrics on display
A collection of religious paintings depicting various saints and Madonna figures
A traditional polish rustic wooden bench with handwoven rug
An old Polish woodworking workshop with tools
Portrait sketches in the Ethnographic Musem in Kraków
"To whom do we tell what happened to us on ear for whom do we put up huge mirrors everyday in hope that they fill up and remain so?"

In this article we've gathered a large photographic documentation of the exhibits shown in the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków (Muzeum Etnograficzne w Krakowie) aiming at encouraging you to visit this spectacular place while strolling in Kazimierz, since it very near to the most popular spots in both Kazimierz and Podgórze.

The museum, established in 1902, holds over 80,000 items gathered in numerous departments and exhibitions for example Material Culture Department, and European People's Cultures Department among others.

The Ethnographic Museum in Kraków regularly organises events and workshops such as music/dance workshops EtnoWianki or family workshops for children such as traditional carpentry workshops.

The main building of the Ethnographic Museum in Plac Wolnica (Wolnica Square) has several permanent exhibit stations spanning 3 storeys, including Traditional Polish Woodworking Workshop, Farming Tools, Musical Instruments and Blacksmith's Workshop among many others that we've documented in the pictures' gallery attached to this article, so make sure to have a look.

The Museum also organises special exhibitions revolving around Polish history and culture, folklore, and everyday life of rural Poland, so make sure to check out their official website for any upcoming events.