
Węgierska Street in Kraków

Węgierska Street in Podgórze is located right in the centre of the former Jewish Ghetto in Kraków, known for Tadeusz Kantor home and House of Hasidic Learning.

House of Hasidic Learning, now Starmach art gallery
Memorial plaque at the Galeria Starmach building
Old Hasidic Prayer House, now Galeria Starmach building in Węgierska Street
House where Tadeusz Kantor lived until 1945 in Węgierska Street
Węgierska Street in Kraków
Węgierska Street in Kraków
Węgierska Street in Kraków
Hotel Xerion in Węgierska Street
Old Jewish Ghetto

When you walk across the Bernatka Footbridge linking Kazimierz with Podgórze, you immediately enter the area of the former Jewish Ghetto that Germans formed during the occupation of Kraków in 1941.

Right at the northern border of the former Ghetto you enter the famous Węgierska street, where you can feel the grime spirit of the dark past of this place intertwined with modernity and relived by newly renovated buildings and hotels situated there.

Here you will see the house where the famous award-winning painter, set designer and theatre director Tadeusz Kantor lived during the ghetto time until 1945. His famous Cricoteka Museum is located very near, so make sure to pay it a visit too.

Right across the street you will see the renovated Former House of Prayer of the Jewish Community across the street - Zucker House of Prayer (Bethamidrasz Chasidim) which had been used for many decades as a place of Hasidic learning, and recently it's been converted into an art gallery (Galeria Starmach) organising art exhibitions of the Polish contemporary art, mainly from the Kraków Group.

When in Podgórze, the Węgierska Street is definitively worth a visit.