
Jadwiga and Jagiełło Monument

Visit Jadwiga and Władysław II Jagiełło monument, located right in the Planty Park. It's a perfect spot for a relaxing stroll in the heart of the Old Town.

Jadwiga and Jagiełło Monument
Jadwiga and Jagiełło Monument
Planty Park near Sławkowska street
Planty Park near Sławkowska and Basztowa street

Monument dedicated to Jadwiga and Władysław II Jagiełło is located in Planty near Basztowa and Sławkowska street and it's a historic memorial statue dedicated to these rulers of Poland.

It was inaugurated in 1886 and the artists involved were Karol Knaus and Oskar Sosnowski.

Due to its strategic location in the famous Kraków Planty Park, it's a perfect spot for a stroll and a minute of rest right in the very centre of the Kraków Old Town.

Jadwiga was the first female monarch of Poland after her marriage with King Władysław II Jagiełło.

This marriage formed a dynastic union between Lithuania and Poland creating a new state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which became one of the largest and most powerful countries in Europe in 15th and 16th century.