
Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum

Cricoteka Museum is the centre for the documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor - a must-visit spot when you're in Podgórze.

Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum
Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum
Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum
Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum
Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum
Cricoteka - Tadeusz Kantor Museum

The main Cricoteka Museum building is located on Nadwiślańska Street, right next to the Father Bernatek Footbridge connecting Old Jewish Quarter Kazimierz with Podgórze.

Cricoteka Museum is housed in an old, rebuilt power plant, that has been adapted as a museum and serves as a contemporary art gallery, a museum and research centre of the Kantor work.

The musem holds an vast collection of theatrical objects, drawings, and documents related to Kantor's work as well as objects and costumes used in the famous Cricot 2 Theater of which's director was Tadeusz Kantor.

Cricoteka Museum due to its convenient location near Kazimierz cafes, restaurants and other remarkable buildings, such as Schindler's Museum is definitively worth a visit. For tourists interested in Tadeusz Kantor's life we also recommend visiting his house he lived in between 1942-1945 in the Jewish Ghetto on the nearby Węgierska Street.